Please join us for this virtual celebration of the Arts and Sciences!
In this year of plague and troubles, the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition has been postponed and our Queen of Doom is sponsoring an online Queen’s Prize Arts and Sciences display. The entries and voting will largely take place on Facebook but details, documentation, and some non-Facebook user content may be found on this website.
Entries accepted starting January 25, 2021
Voting on entries will end at 9PM on Sunday, February 7, 2021
Winners of Her Majesty’s categories will be announced at court on Saturday, February 13, 2021
Event website: www.eithni.com/artsofDOOM
Northshield calendar link: http://northshield.org/Events/EventAd.aspx?ID=4509
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/250106493067159
Faceboook Group (for posting/viewing/voting) entries: https://www.facebook.com/groups/831638260714935
Entrant Registration
Patron Registration
Non-Facebook Entries
Registration and voting is NOW LIVE!
Register your entry HERE.
Then post the entries and vote on your favorites HERE.
Categories for entries:
- SCA Life – Have you made something awesome to improve your life in the Current Middle Ages? This could be a cooler masquerading as a sea chest or a banner to enhance the beauty of your campsite.
- Performing Arts – Post a video of you performing a song, dance, story, or other nerdy pursuit that is better captured in film than in still images.
- Martial Arts – Use these seasons of enforced peace to spruce up your kit! This category is open to any entry that can be used in any of the martial activities.
- Extreme Documentation – There’s never enough time at an A&S Competition to have people read your 98 page opus… Here’s your chance! Enter an item along with as much documentation as your heart desires!
- Pandemic Prowess – Entries must either be the result of a skill you learned through distance learning (Zoom or YouTube classes) during the pandemic or using only items that were in your stash at the beginning of the pandemic. Please link to the class and/or tag the teacher.
- Show Us Your Stuff – Any entry that does not fit one of the above categories is welcome!
- All Geeks Welcome – This category is for our friends from across the Knowne World who may want to join us! We want to see what fabulous things you are up to while we can’t travel to see you!
The following prizes will be awarded:
- Queen’s Choice – The Queen of Doom will has selected her favorite entry from each category
- SCA Life – Muirenn ingen Fhairchellaig (Gonfalon Banner) – Prize sponsored by the Pelicans of Northshield – coordinated by Eithni – $50 gift certificate to the SCA merchant or reenactment good merchant of your choice.
- Performing Arts – Belle de la Tour (Greybeard) – Prize sponsored by Alissende de Montfaucon in memory of Kudrun the Pilgrim – TBA
- Martial Arts – Tancorix inigena Bivaidonas (Pictish H shield) – Prize sponsored by the Knights of Northshield – coordinated by Sir Ajax – Something martial related the winner needs
- Honorable Mention – Marguerite Larchier (Arrows)
- Extreme Documentation – Farolfus filius Richardi (Birka Wallet Research) – Prize sponsored by Eithni ingen Talorgain – assistance finding and purchasing a desired research book (up to $50)
- Pandemic Prowess – Marketa Barfussin (Birgitta cap) – Prize sponsored by the MoDs of Northshield – coordinated by Baron Robert Talbot – $100 gift certificate for Fabrics-store.com
- Show us Your Stuff – Sayf al-Qamar Tarik ibn Abdullah (suite of glass chains) Prize sponsored by the Laurels of Northshield – coordinated by Eithni – $125 to the materials or book vendor of your choice AND assistance from the members of the Order if you need help sourcing the material/book of your dreams!
- All Geeks Welcome – Ian’ka Ivanovna zhena P’trovitsa (Pskov outfit) – Prize sponsored by The Royal Peers of Northshield – coordinated by Duchess AEthelflaed – TBA
- Kings Awesome Award – His Majesty’s favorite overall entry – Luftwine Byrnesmiþ (Across the Knowne World)
- Kingdom MOAS Prize – The KMOAS’s favorite overall entry – Radeswinth Altdorfer & Brixia Argyopennos (linen cap)
- Honorable Mention – Henry of Bexley (14th Century helm)
- Provost’s Choice – Most Thematic – Judith Krahe vom Schwarzwald (Hebrew Illumination)
- Populace Choice – The winner will be chosen based on the entry with the greatest number of likes on the primary image
- SCA Life – Hilde Steward (Painted Scabbard)
- Performing Arts – Arwa al-Jinniyya (Good Pilgrim)
- Martial Arts – Marguerite Larchier (Arrows)
- Extreme Documentation – Farolfus filius Richardi (Birka wallet research)
- Pandemic Prowess – Helgulfr Arngeirsson (Ballaquale Neck Ring)
- Show us Your Stuff – Sibillia d’Orange (Blue Tudor Gown)
- All Geeks Welcome – Valya Abnikova doch’ (Finno-Ugric shawl)
- Patron Sponsored Prizes – see below
Thank you to our prize donors for the prizes awarded by the Crown and populace! Cassandra Antonelli, Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu, Demona Whytherford, Eliane Halevy, Farolfus Filius Richardi, Gwenhwyvar VerchOwen ApMorgan, Hara Hana, Moira nicConnell the Strongbow, Samson Muskovich (called Samii), Siobhan Medhbh O’Roarke, Tatiana Marana Melville, and Ysolt Pais de Cuer.
Not into the Arts and Sciences yourself? Or do you have a type of art you would especially like to encourage? Sign up to be a Patron! Patrons will offer a prize in a category of their choosing using criteria of their own devising. Patron prizes will be announced on the event webpage but may not be announced in court. See full Patron rules below!
We are also looking for donations of prizes to be awarded to the winners of the Kingdom categories. Prizes that are easily mailed are particularly appreciated! Contact Eithni using the form at the bottom of the page if you are interested.
Patron Challenges:
- New to Me – Bâro Iohannes and Baronôssa Xanthippe will give a prize to a gentle creating something in a new to them medium. i.e. scribe doing leather work or metal smith embroidering or first time A&S entrant. (Prize: $100 gift certificate to craft store) Tag: Colleen Hohensee and Jonathan Foster Winner: Celestria de Clare – Handspun/dyed/woven fabric
- Youth A&S – This is for anyone 17 and under. Baronôssa Xanthippe will give the winner means to buy supplies for future projects (Prize: $50 gift certificate to craft store) Tag: Colleen Hohensee and Jonathan Foster Winner: No qualifying entries.
- Best Failure – Minister Wu wants to see your project failures and what you learned. Provide a short description of what you tried, why it failed, and what you learned from it. (Prize: $25 gift card to the supplier of the Best Failure winner’s choice.) Tag: Emily Feathers Winner: Iðunn (Blackworked underdress)
- Extravagant and Early – Fina will provide a prize for an extravagant item of clothing from any culture during the time period 400 CE – 800 CE. Sufficient documentation to demonstrate that the clothing meets these requirements will be required. (Prize: $100 gift certificate to a purveyor of fabric/fiber etc.) Tag: Fina ingen Aeda Winner: Furia Maxima (a.k.a. Rúna) (Roman Gap-Sleeved Tunic)
- Show us your Extravaganze – Best “extra” accessory in any time period. Documentation requirements: Entry or research needs basic information of what it is, who might have worn it, and when geographically used. Including at least one picture of extant item, or period depiction (portrait, drawing, etc.) or period description . Also, basic description of period materials that would have been used to construct the item. More credit for more information. Bonus points for what you learned and would do differently the next time. Sponsored by Aigeline, Asny and Petranella. (Prize: Winner: $60 gift certificate to the bling provider of your choice; Honorable mentions: $20 Gift Certificates) Tag: Asny Hafdansdoitter, Salli Weston, and Aigeline Li Merciers Asny’s Honorable Mention: Helgulfr Arngeirsson (Ballaquale Neck Ring); Petranella’s Honorable Mention: Celestria de Clare – Handspun/dyed/woven fabric; Aigeline’s Honorable Mention: AEsa Olafskona (Nalobnyj); Winner: Sayf al-Qamar Tarik ibn Abdullah (suite of glass chains)
- Northshield Seneschal Challenge – Baroness Alinore Wyndover and the Kingdom Seneschal team will provide a year’s sustaining membership for yourself or someone of your choosing for their choice at best period mask Tag: Becky Littlefield Winner: No qualifying entries.
- Beyond the Reach of Your Voice! – Dame Merouda is offering several prizes for bardic broadsheets! See https://www.facebook.com/events/356687722424918/ for details! $50 to Dame Merouda’s choice, $50 to Her Majesty’s choice (or distributed among several choices), and publication in a compilation volume for all willing entrants! Tag: Merouda Pendray Winner: Arwa al-Jinniyya (Good Pilgrim)
- String Things – Baroness Caoilfhionn wants to see the best of SCA-period fiber arts: spinning, weaving, knitting, nålebinding, basketry, embroidery, felt, lace, papermaking, etc. Close-up photos and basic documentation (what, when, where, who, and how) are a serious plus. (Prize: $50 gift card from an appropriate supplier of materials.) Tag: Kellie Hultgren Winner: Celestria de Clare – Handspun/dyed/woven fabric; Honorable Mention: Shamus of the Frozen North (First attempt Tabletweaving)
- Out of Africa – Annetje and Hieronymus want to encourage the recreation of arts and sciences of Africa. Basic information as to time period and specific culture will be required with extra points for projects based on extant works and more scholarly sources. Bonus points for any culture that isn’t based in the Maghreb. If the entry is clothing or a personal accessory, the item must be for someone with a real life connection to that culture. Open to participants from across the Known World. (Prize: $100 for materials and/or books on the chosen region, and help researching and sourcing those items.) Tag: Sherrie Andra Keller and Rich Keller Winner: No qualifying entries.
- Something Fishy – Create something having to do with fish, fishing, travel by sea, bodies of water, liquids, drinking vessels, etc. Judges will be looking for fit to cat-egory, craftsman-ship, and whether or not you fin-ish. (Prize$100 gift certificate to one of Jara’s artisans. A list of Jara artists and vendors will be provided to the winner, who will choose one.) Tag: Deena Patterson Winner: Morgaine Blood (Open fire cooking)
- I Heart Knotwork – Muirenn will award her favorite use of interlace in any medium, from any period or culture, from Pictish stones to Tudor blackwork or Italian white vine. (Prize: $50 to further the artisan’s endeavors.) Tag: Wendy Hudson Winner: Neave inghean Domhnaill (Hedeby Bag)
- Best of Taste – Siobhan will offer a Tosten’s Pot to the recipe with the most period translation into modern cooking directions. Use of period techniques get better points. (Prize: Cooking pot of your choice from Tosten’s Pots) Tag: Pat Odum McGregor Winner: Isabella Tinker (Food for a Korean Elevation); Honorable Mention: Morgaine Blood (Open fire cooking)
- Embellishment Extravaganza – The patrons for this challenge are THL Christiana Gaylord and Baroness Rachell Baker. We are looking for the best surface embellishment of a garment or accessory ( head covering, bag, gloves or veil). Surface embellishment for this challenge is defined as: the application of one or more of the listed elements in an intentional design or motif not required as part of the construction process. One or more of the following materials may be used: threads, ribbons, beads, applique, woven trim or handmade lace. Woven trim and handmade lace must be made by entrant. Minimum documentation is required, including time frame, culture and source of inspiration; a list of materials used; and SCA and modern name with contact information. One winner will be chosen from each of this time frames: Roman through Viking period, 1066 to 1400, and 1401 to 1600. (Prizes: an assortment of materials appropriate to the three time frames which will include silk threads, silk ribbons, hand dyed linen threads, beads, threads for weaving and lace making, needles and thread snippers.) Tag: Rachel Marschner and Openmeadow Meadow Winner: Roman-Viking: Hrothgar Grarulfr Gunnarsson (Gokstad pouch); 1066-1400: AEschild of Avonwood; 1401-1600: Fleur-de-Lys (French gown)
- Iberian Peninsula Challenge – Constanza is sponsoring a challenge for any entry from any time period and from any culture that existed on the Iberian Peninsula. (Prize: $50 Visa Gift Card.) Tag: Constanza de Sevilla Winner: Judith of Northwode (Iberian Illumination)
- Seeking Researchers for the Science of Defense – Magnifico Niccolo will award the best instructions video on an aspect of historic combat. (Prize: “Fundamentals of Italian Rapier” by David and Dori Coblentz and “The Art of the Rapier: A Manual for Modern Fencers” by Ken Mondscheim, both of which include guidance in teaching as well as fencing.) Tag: Ernesto Maldonado Winner: No qualifying entries. Honorable Mention: Aeden of Clan Colquhoun (Rubber Band Gun)
Rules for Entrants:
- Registration will open on January 25, 2021.
- Entries must have been completed in the year since the last Northshield Kingdom Arts and Sciences Competition (defined as March 1, 2020 – February 7, 2021).
- All entries must be suitable for posting on an official SCA web presence.
- All entrants must be from Northshield, unless they are entering the “All Geeks Welcome” category.
- Documentation is welcome but not required for any category except the “Extreme Documentation” category. Documentation that is submitted as a PDF will be posted HERE. Contact Eithni if you have documentation to post.
- Each participant is limited to THREE entries. Entries should be registered in one of the Kingdom categories. If you would like to also enter a Patron challenge, tag the sponsoring patron in a comment. You may enter as many patron challenges as you want as long as your entry(ies) meets the criteria for those challenges. (Rule change to allow up to three items on 11/19/2020.)
- All entrants must register HERE.
- All entrants must agree to and complete THIS FORM.
- Photos of entries should be posted in the Facebook group on or after January 25, 2021.
- If you do not use Facebook, have difficulty completing the release form, or otherwise have some issue but would still like to participate, please contact Eithni (see contact form at the bottom of this page) for alternative options. Off-Facebook entries will be posted HERE.
- Voting on entries for the Populace Prize will close at 9PM on Sunday, February 7, 2021.
Rules for Patrons:
- All patrons must sign up HERE.
- Patron sign up is open as of Monday, September 28, 2020.
- Patrons may be from Northshield or any Kingdom of the Knowne World.
- Patrons will be responsible for creating their own challenges and criteria to determine the winner(s) of their challenge.
- Patrons should contact Eithni with their chosen winner between 9PM Sunday, February 7 and 9PM Tuesday, February 9, 2021.
- Patrons will make private arrangements with their chosen winner to deliver the prize.
Rules for Voting/Comments:
- Each reaction (like, love, etc.) on the MAIN photo for an entry is counted as a vote for that entry for The Queen of Doom’s Prizes.
- Comments on the entries are appreciated but be constructive and kind if you offer any sort of criticism. Consider asking the entrant if they are interested in criticism before posting as this is more of a display than a strictly judged competition.
- If you have multiple Facebook accounts, please only use one for voting, don’t double-dip.
- You can react to as many entries as you want!
- Don’t forget to come back near the end of the competition to see any late entries.
- Remember to check the non-Facebook entry page on the website for any entries that are choosing not to participate in the Facebook posting. (None yet as of 1/24/2021.)
Provost/Webmistress: Eithni ingen Talorgain (Jean Kveberg) 608-628-7782 email by form at bottom of the page