Pictures from Past Challenges
I am TERRIBLE at taking pictures at events, particularly when I have been up for 24 hours or more!
If you have pictures of your finished entry to share or PDFs of your documentation that you would be willing to share, please contact me!
GNC 2022 was a Slumber Party format with no formal team structure.
GNC 2021 was also postponed due to plague.
2020’s GNC was cancelled, like practically everything else that year, due to the COVID-19 plague.
2019 – GNC 10

The Lone Roman – Box – Mid-4th century Roman soldier

Fiona’s Finery – Box – Kirtle
Gwehydd’s Garbers – Casket – 1350s English Male
GERMAN 2019, and this time we mean it! – Casket – German
The Littlest Sweatshop – Casket – Turkish coat in a Venetian style
Iberian Gamers – Casket – 13th century Iberian
In 2018, we had another late-in-the-game site issue and limited preregistration so rather than trying to find another site, the event was postponed for a year.
2017 – GNC 9

Garby Gals – Casket – 1520 Spain
Cinqfoil Sew & Sews – Casket – Birka-Era Sweden
Jorvik – Casket – Anglo-Scandinavian – Cancellation
It ain’t no Tang – Casket – China (Tang Dynasty)
Turkish Delight – Pyx – Late period Ottoman
2016 – GNC 8

Living Room Ottomans – Box – Ottoman

Hand-Made-ns – Box – Norse

Kumpania – Casket – Mongolian
Flaky Fishy Kitty – Casket – Ottoman
Greenlanders – Casket – Norse

Batty Needlewielders – Pyx – Langobard

Frozen in Time – Pyx – Stone Age

2015 – GNC 7
Victorious Vikings Valkyries – Box – Viking
House Triskele – Box – 1350-1450 English
Daughters of the Wolf – Box – 8th C Eastern Scandinavian
Kumpania de Umbra – Casket – 16th C Persian
Foireann Fuala – Casket – 14th C French
Cinqfoil – Casket – Roman 1st Century
The Worshipful Company of Idle Baronesses and their Magnificent Companion(s) – Casket – late 14th c
Wand Wielders – Pyx – 11th C Norse Greenland
2014 – GNC 6

Stitchy Widgets – Box
Ewewilluvit – Casket
Kumpania de Umbra – Casket
Special Snowflakes – Casket
Messeweup – Pyx
2013 – GNC 5
Team Name: Rusty Nails and Regular Beatings (Division winner)
Division: Pyxis
Team members: Eithni ingen Talorgan, AEthelwald Bald, Grede Kuenstleyrn, Asny Grimsdottir, Allessandra Crespello, and Robert the Stout (model and patron).
Finished work will be: 1570s Italian upper class male outfit
Done on site: Shirt, doublet, trunkhose, hose, hat, coat
Done ahead of time: Purchased shoes
Team Name: Ottomaniacs
Division: Advanced
Team members: Eliane Halevy, Druscilla Galbraith, Margaret Malise de Kyrkyntolaghe, Isabelle, Aoife inghean Odhráin mhic Bhrain, and Eva of Greenfield
Finished work will be: 16th century Ottoman upper class female outfit
Done on site: Gomlek (underwear), shalwar (pants), vest, two anteri (tunics) (one short, one long), hat, scarf, veil
Done ahead of time: Cast buttons, shoes, socks, jeweled belt (gift)
Team Name: Five Ladies and a Lord (or five ladies and a fool or five fools and a lord or six fools) (Division winner)
Division: Advanced
Team members: Katerina Unru, Prudence Goodheart of Wyewood, Helena Caxton, Cecilia di Cefalu, Rachell Baker, and Jean du MalChance
Finished work will be: 1560 Italian dress—very upper class
Done on site: Sleeves, beading, farthingale, 4-panel skirt, smock, bodice
Done ahead of time: Stockings, shoes, girdle, neckchain, faux/vegan weasel, pillbox hat, and a pair of bodies (under garments)
Team Name: Norse Star Corps (Division winner)
Division: Intermediate
Team members: Demona di Rosa, Alessandro of Falcon’s Keep, Zeba Sao Pacian, Adele von Pasau, Arianna da Lucca, and Caoilfhionn inghean Mhaghnusa
Finished work will be: 850 Men’s Norse outfit
Done on site: Under tunic, over tunic, cloak, hat with fur trim, underpants, THorsbjerg trousers, leg wraps, stockings, knife sheath
Done ahead of time: Pouch, penabular broach, thor’s hammer pendant, trim, shoes, 2 belts (one under trousers and the over over)
Team Name: Servants of the Land
Division: Advanced
Team members: Alexandra of Falcon’s Keep, Guttorm Arneson, Ealasaid nic Phearsoinn, Janvier der Wasserman, Beatrice of Falcon’s Keep, and Mary of Falcon’s Keep
Finished work will be: 1525 Landsknecht Male outfit
Done on site: Hat, doublet, outer jacket, shirt, hosen–everything hand sewn.
Done ahead of time: Shoes, cast buttons (handcut stone mold),
Team Name: House Triskele
Division: Intermediate
Team members: Alyna of Pinehyll, Tracy le Clare, Nuala, Merci (it was the latter’s first event and the team was making her garb so she can come to more)
Finished work will be: An outfit inspired by the 14th century (lesson learned about research), woman’s kirtle. (First competition like this and the first documented A&S event at all)
Done on site: Kirtle, chemise, long sleeved linen kirtle, short sleeved wool kirtle, pouch, and veil.
Done ahead of time: Paterns, planning
Team Name: Team Ottomaton
Division: Advanced
Team members: Nikea Deleon, Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu, Leona Talbot, Meadhbh inghean Uí Néill, and Alexandru Vladescu (model & patron).
Finished work will be: 16th century Ottoman Jannisary
Done on site: Gomlek (underwear), Shalwar (pants), under coat, over coat,
Done ahead of time: Shoes purchased, turban, sash, and patterning.
Team Name: Consort Beautification Society (CBS)
Division: Intermediate
Team members: Euriaut Deri, Amalia St. Edmund, Constanza de Sevilla, Magnifico Niccolo Falconetto, HRM Anne, and Geoffrey of Warwick (model)
Finished work will be: 1415 English Baronial Outfit (making Geoffrey looking good)
Done on site: Houpalande, braes, hat, shirt, pourpointe,
Done ahead of time: Bought hose (being decorated on site); personal stock and gifts: shoes, belt, chain
Team Name: The Stitchy Widgets
Division: Pyxis
Team members: Anna z Pernstejna, Alissende de Mont Fachon, Susan, Elaine, and Jo (three of the team had never done anything like this and for one it was her first event.)
Finished work will be: 1500 Turkic Horse Archer (with horse)
Done on site: Cotton under shirt, silk long-sleeved shirt, lined cotton long sleeved jacket, pants, hat, bridle, breast collar, crupper harness, quarter pad, quiver belt
Done ahead of time: Boots, bow quiver, arrow quiver, saddle cover, horse. Borrowed horse bow.
2012 – GNC 4
Photos of the event in progress here
Intermediate/Advanced Division:
Pretty, Pretty José
Team: Adele von Pasau, Zeba São Pacian, Jose São Pacian (model), Sarah the Foole, Demona di Rosa, Alyna of Pinehyll
Outfit: 15th -16th c Moorish kit that will pass SCA rapier armor standards
Pieces: Pants, shirt, robe, full circle cloak, sash, turban

Idle Seamstresses
Team: Siobhan Medhbh O’Roarke (model), Una Duckfoot, Alissende de Mont Falcon, Helena Caxton, Ysabel of Jararvellir, Samia al-Kaslaania
Outfit: Early Italian Renaissance (1480)
Pieces: Manches (sleeves [cut out, trim/beading]), giornea (overdress), gamurra (fitted underdress), camina (chemise), and veil

The Talbot (the talbot)
Team: Robert (model) & Leona Talbot, Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu, Nikea de Leon, Teffan Koerwent (research but unable to attend)
Outfit: 14th c. English Man’s outfit
Pieces: chausses, braes, undershirt, coat, hood, pouch. Blackwork on shirt and braes (matching—Medieval Garanimals.)

Pyxis’ Pleasure Division:
Counting Sheep
Team: Alexandra and Janvier der Wasserman, Ealasaid nic Phearsoin (model w/the bed), Guttorm Arneson, Mary of Falcon’s Keep, Beatrice of Falcon’s Keep
Outfit: A Viking Bedchamber with occupant
Pieces: naalbound slippers (premade), skinnfell(3 sheepskins sewn together), linen chemise and braes, mattress & pillow (linen w/feather filling)

Rusty Nails and Regular Beatings
Team: Æðelwalh se Bald, Aelina Ailinesdotter, Margie Eithnismother, Buffy Eithnissister, Anna of Jararvellir (model)
Outfit: 10th c Norse Woman’s outfit
Pieces: 3 layers (blue linen underdress, yellow linen apron dress, purples wool over apron dress, shoes

2011 – GNC 3
Intermediate/Advanced Division:
Magnifico’s Minions
Team: Niccolo Falconetto, Cesar, Riva, Justin, Sorcha inghen Maille
Outfit: 1550’s Spanish man’s outfit
Pieces: Doublet, trunk hose, jerkin, hat, linen shirt & braes, sword belt (purchased hardwear). Hose were purchased.

Cards and Friends
Team: Anpliça Fiore, Gevehard von Baden, Siobhan Medhbh O’Roarke, Kolfinna Hrafnkelsdottir, and Annora le Spindlere
Outfit: 1340 Englishwoman’s ensemble based on inspiration found in the Lutrell Psalter.
Pieces: Sleeveless chemise, underdress, sideless gown with heraldic applique representing Elashava & Giles, hosen (all linen), pouch, garters, belt, brooch (leather & pewter). All molds for pewter pieces were created on site. Casting done on site. Lampwork beads for pouch done on site.

Flying Monkeys
Team : Druscilla Galbraith, Annetje van Leuven, Eva of Greenfield, Kou no Toshikage, Typhaine Arondeal)
Outfit: Northern Italian Man’s outfit from 1529 adapted for the SCA fencer
Pieces: Cotton velveteen lined with linen, shoes, flat hat, fitted hose, linen shirt, codpiece. Shoes were purchased.

Advanced Division
Not-So-Lone Lion
Team: Sita, Cassandra of the Western Green, Margaret, Aoife Óran Bran, Marian Elizabeth Wollenschläger, Nikolaus der Ausländer, Amalia of Nordskogen
Outfit: 15th c. French woman’s fitted gown
Pieces: Linen hose, linen over & over gown, leather belt, linen head wrap, wool oversleeves. Garters, shoes (leather), and lucet cording were all done in advance.

All thumbs
Team: Katerina, Jean du Mal Chance
Outfit: Late period male outfit
Pieces: Team experienced multiple technical difficulties and withdrew before time was called.
Evil Minions
Team: Kateryn of the Amber Mists, Nikea deLeon, Alice of Kent, Dejaneecie Amidarium Vu, Demona di Rosa, Arianna da Lucca
Project: Anne of Cleves dress (16th c. German)
Pieces: Chemise (silk/linen/cotton blend), dress (velveteen), Bodice (velvet trimmed in silk), shoes (leather), hose & trim (wool), appropriate jewelry. Knit hose & trim started off site and finished during the competition.

Pyxis Pleasure Division
Steppe Sisters
Team: Moira nicConnell, Helena Caxton, Sarangerel the Sadist, Ekaterina, Aoife Cno’ Capaill
Outfit: Woman’s 8th to 10th c. Scythian
Pieces: Trousers, jacket, under tunic, felt boots with goat hide top, felt hat, leather belt with brass buckle, whip. Brass belt buckle, wet felting of hat, dying & prep of wool for felting of boots was done in advance.

Equestrians and Company
Team: Samia al-Kaslaania, Alissende de Montfaucon, Eliane Halevy, Checheyigen Oyugun, Ysabel, Iohanna Carracci
Project: Woman’s fitted Gothic Cote inspired by Christine de Pizan, 14th c Italian
Pieces: 2 fitted cotes (one silk, one silk/wool blend), hair bunlets, veils, hosen, pouch, shoes, cast and fabric buttons, all silk thread. Buttons (both cast and sewn) were completed in advance.

Stitchy Widgets
AEthelwalh se Bald, Anna z Pernstejna, Bridei nic Gillechattan, Elena, Cyneburg, Susan
Project: 14th c. English man’s outfit
Pieces: Linen braes & under tunic, wool hose, woolen over tunic with linen lining, stamped & painted leather belt, shoes, knife, belt, pouch, woolen cloak, hat, linen coif. Belt was cut in advance, but tooling & dying/painting done on site, pouch, knife (purchased), shoes (purchased).

Special thanks to Elashava for photos and reporting and to Juliana for photos of 2011!
In 2010, about two weeks before the event, we discovered that the site had been SOLD and was no longer in operation! We had not been notified about the change – Eithni just happened to notice the sign on the hotel had come down when she was driving past and stopped in to enquire. Without enough time to secure a new site, the event was cancelled.
2009 – GNC 2
Byzantine Bobbins – Intermediate – Byzantine

Kilcommon Tailors – Intermediate – Cancellation
Handmaidens of Doom – Intermediate – Anglo-Saxon

House of Thornes – Advanced – German

Flying Monkeys – Advanced – Italian

Their Royal Highnesses’ Pleasure – Advanced – TWO outfits for TRHs!

G-Force: Death, Dark, Blood – Pyxis –

Rusty Nails and Regular Beatings – Pyxis – Pictish Noblelady

Equestrians and Company – Pyxis – Islamic

Oni-Saru – Pyxis – Japanese

2008 – GNC 1
We’ve Got a Notion – Novice – 14th c English Man
Mother-Daughter Mayhem – Intermediate – 16th c Italian woman
Persian Griffins – Intermediate – 16th c Persian man and woman
Apprenti and Friends – Pyxis – 16th c Russian woman
Gilded Lilies of Calontir – Pyxis – 14th c English Boy
Equestrians and Company – Pyxis – 13th c French Woman