The Goals
- To have an amazing time!
- To create a complete outfit, from the skin out, and so an ideal entry will include undergarments, the outfit, shoes, a hat, and key accessories. However, teams that do not complete their outfit will not be disqualified, you may simply lose some points in the “Degree of Completion” category.
- To learn from your teammates, other participants, and the judges.
The Team
- Teams may consist of as few as one member and as many as six, which may or may not include the model.
- Anyone who does any work on the project at the competition must be counted as part of the team. (People who contribute to pre-made non-textile accessories will not count as a team member.)
- Laurels in costuming, textile arts, related fields, or “ringers” (i.e. people whose Laurel is in some other field but are known costumers) count as two people on Pyx teams.
- Judges and other attendees, including Laurels, may offer teams advice and minor temporary assistance without being counted as part of a team.
The Preparation
- Consider pre-drafting a pattern for your project. Patterns prepared in advance will not be counted against you but commercial patterns should not be used outside of the Box division.
- Fabric should be whole and unmarked at the beginning of the competition. Pre-washing of washable fabrics is STRONGLY recommended. Please be kind to your potentially allergic judges and fellow challengers! Please wash fabric and then keep it clean of pet dander, smoke, or other potential allergens! If you plan to use fur or other potential allergens, please notify Eithni in advance.
- Some documentation is expected at each level, to at least include some information about the choice of garments and materials. Expectations for documentation will vary based on team division, with only basic documentation needed for the Box category and extensive documentation expected in the Pyx category.
- Structured undergarments (corsets, hoop skirts, etc) as well as accessories like socks and gloves may be prepared or purchased in advance.
- Non-textile accessories and garment components may be made in advance or purchased. Extra points will be given for accessories that were made by a team member rather than purchased.
On Site
- You must bring all your fabrics and materials to site. Once the competition begins, trips to the fabric store for additional materials are discouraged and will need to be disclosed during judging. You are allowed to beg or borrow from other teams, however.
- You must bring your own power strip and extension cords. A limited number will be available on site for emergencies, but do not plan on the use of these!
- There will be an “ironing station” available with ironing boards and irons. You may bring your own iron, but please do not use it anywhere other than at the ironing station. This measure is for safety and power management. Linen smoothing boards may be used at your team station. Tables and chairs will be provided, but bring your own if you want/need something more comfortable than a folding chair.
- If you would like to use some particularly loud, smelly, messy, dangerous, power-draining or otherwise unusual process on site, please contact the autocrat well in advance for permission from the event and site.
- This event is at least in part a learning experience. Consider bringing business cards with your contact information on them so you may follow up with other teams or judges after the event when you will be better able to retain useful information.
- You will be responsible for cleaning up your work station at the end of the night. Consider bringing a magnet and broom/dust pan to facilitate clean up.
- The Judging
- Scoring will be scaled appropriate to the division (i.e. the level of skill required to obtain a “10” in the Pyx class is significantly higher than in the Box class).
- Please see the scoring sheet for details regarding what the judges will be evaluating. Scoring sheet
- The decision of the judges is final.
Competition Divisions
There are three main competition divisions:
- Only basic documentation required. This may be as simple as a few pictures of the inspiration for the outfit and a list of the materials used and why those materials were chosen. A basic bibliography of the sources used to select the images and the materials is needed.
- May use prepared or commercial patterns.
- Sewing machines may be used.
- No Laurels in costuming, textile arts, related fields, or “ringers” allowed on team.
- All other rules apply
- Considerable documentation required. Unless you are recreating a specific outfit, several views of similar outfits should be included and your documentation should discuss why choices of materials, colors, and decorations were made. A bibliography must be included and should include both online and printed sourcesMay use pre-drafted patterns but not commercial patterns.
- Sewing machines may be used, but visible machine stitching should be minimized.
- Teams may not include more than two Laurels in any field.
- All other rules apply
- Northshield has a proud tradition of highly valuing those who make a consistent effort to present a period appearance and has the Order of the Pyxis for the purpose of recognizing those who succeed in that endeavor. In order to encourage such endeavors as part of the Griffin’s Needle Challenge, there will be a third category which will be judged more strictly, with an expectation of advanced research and/or documentation and with an eye on authenticity in all aspects of the garment and its construction. Baroness Eithni will provide a special prize for entrants into this division.
- Extensive documentation expected and sources should be made available on site when possible. Each garmet should be presented in the documentation along with discussion of the decisions regarding its materials, color, cut, construction, and decoration. THis discussion should be cited closely enough that judges may refer to the source material to evaluate further, if desired.
- Period materials and methods used insofar as possible, and the use of modern materials, methods, colors, etc must be explained and adequately justified.
- Absolutely no visible machine stitching on completed garments, with a goal of no machine stitching whatsoever, even on hidden seams.
- Should aim to produce a complete outfit, including textile and non-textile accessories as well as key accoutrements, which may be made off-site and in advance, if necessary.
- All other rules apply